Webinar Seminars and Dedicated One-to-One Cosmetics and Cleaners Business Meetings

Webinar Seminars and Dedicated One-to-One Cosmetics and Cleaners Business Meetings

To support already certified companies or companies interested in COSMOS and Eco & Eco Bio Detergence Certifications, the ICEA Cosmetics office offers a program of training meetings with a webinar on the main aspects related to the certification of cosmetic products.
The webinar mode of the seminars allows live access via the web on the day of the meeting and represents an excellent opportunity for training and updating on certification.
Participating is very easy!
You will need to choose the topics you are interested in and indicate the email on which you will receive instructions.

The ICEA Cosmetics office also offers the possibility to support companies with dedicated training meetings on various aspects related to requirements, management systems, and pre-audit.
The one-to-one targeted training activities can be adapted to different business needs, focusing both on the topics of the seminars already scheduled but also on agreed and planned ones.
One-to-one meetings can take place either remotely or on-site.

For information on the training offer and a quote, please contact ICEA Cosmetics office at [email protected].

NOTE: The only purpose of the training activities is to provide clarifications and interpretations on the criteria of the standard, as well as to specify the application modalities foreseen by the standard.
ICEA as an impartial, third and independent certification body, cannot provide support aimed at formulating products, looking for suppliers, and other activities that may fall within a real consulting activity.