ICEA, an assurance for the sustainability of Italian vineyards
5 October 2021(Archive picture from Photo Contest ICEA 2017) One of the most popular wine magazines on the Scandinavian market...
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ICEA al SANA 2021
23 August 2021Anche quest’anno, ICEA parteciperà a Sana 2021, il Salone Internazionale del Biologico e del Naturale, a Bologna dal 9…
Sustainable Cosmetics Summit: virtual summit on 25-28th October 2021
6 July 2021What new green materials are emerging for cosmetic & personal care applications? How are they creating product innovations? How...
Meeting about the new version of v4 COSMOS Standard
21 April 2021The current COSMOS-standard version V3 is under review with a planned publication of the next version V4 in 2022....