What we do

ICEA verifies and certifies

ICEA deals with the inspection and certification of products and services in the field of ethical and environmental standards in order to enhance the production and offer of green economy-oriented companies that strive for a market position based on sustainability and ethical approach. Certifications and inspections are accredited and executed according to specific protocols that refer to mandatory or voluntary standards, developed by ICEA itself or other stakeholders.

Research and development

ICEA’s commitment to research and development originates from the respect towards the environment and the people, with an eye for the creation of economic value for companies and territories in different fields. In this regard, ICEA works in close relationship with private individuals, professionals, local authorities, professional and trade associations, universities and Italian and international research centers to develop schemes, rules and guidelines that may accompany and foster the growth of organizations, companies and institutions, in accordance with sustainability and social responsibility criteria.

Food and non-food

In this perspective, the ICEA certification schemes do not focus on a particular area, but span across multiple fields, covering the food and non-food area.

Verification, quality and reliability

The experience, commitment and transparency with which ICEA carries out its activities ensure that the ICEA brand is a byword for inspection, quality, and reliability at European level, not only for organic production and the food sector but also for all non-food certification schemes.

certification schemes

certification schemes