Typical Geographical Indication IGP

Geographical indications certifies agricultural products, processed agri-food products. It protects food production whose quality is related to the link with the gastronomic traditions of a territory.


Italy is the European country with the highest number of food products with a designation of origin and geographical indication recognized by the European Union. A further demonstration of the great quality of our productions, above all of the strong bond that binds the Italian food excellence to its own territory of origin. The system of geographical indications of the EU aims to protect and favor the productive system and the economy of the territory. The indissoluble link with the territory of origin requires the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity; supports the social cohesion of the entire community. The enhancement of these products and the preservation of their essence understood as production methods, traditional recipes, rooting in the territory find an effective response in the DOP, IGP and STG brands introduced by the European Union to protect typical food products. Currently the system is subject to the EC regulations n. 510/2006 on PDO and PGI and 509/2006 on TSG, which replaced the previous EC Reg. 2081/92 and EC 2081/92. The new regulations allow access to the system of protection of geographical indications to producers in third countries, as requested by the WTO (World Trade Organization) and make the organizational system linked to the control and protection of these products more functional. The control system is entrusted to accredited control bodies specifically authorized by the Mi.PA.A.F. The control body chosen by the Consortium or other trademark protection organization controls all the operators that adhere to the specification. ICEA is the authorized inspection body for the following specifications and products:

  • Sorana bean
  • Lemon of Rocca Imperiale
  • Homemade bread from Genzano
  • Potato of the Sila



Request for control and certification service.
Request for control by individual operators to the Control Body chosen by the consortium or other protection organization.

On-site inspection verification.
On-site inspection carried out on the basis of a control plan approved by the Mi.PA.A.F., to verify compliance with the specification both of the subjects included in the supply chain, and of the product, resorting if necessary to analytical tests. The results of the checks are assessed by the ICEA Certification Committee for the purpose of issuing corporate suitability and the registration and registration of subjects suitable for the use of the brand and name.

Issue of the Certificate of Conformity.
Issuing of certification following the positive outcome of the audit and required analyzes. On the basis of the production declarations issued by the various subjects included in the supply chain, ICEA authorizes the printing of the labels bearing the appropriate Community logo.

Surveillance: periodic inspections and analyzes.
Annual monitoring, carried out on a sample of at least 35% of the subjects in the supply chain, through periodic inspections and analyzes aimed at confirming the maintenance of the compliance conditions.