Eco Bio Cosmetics and Natural Cosmetics

Eco Bio Cosmetics and Natural Cosmetics

Eco Bio Cosmetics and Natural Cosmetics, certifies cosmetic products, raw materials for cosmetics, cosmetic products for animal use.  It guarantees cosmetic products obtained by preferring the use of organic ingredients and natural chemicals, selected on the basis of criteria of environmental sustainability and wholesomeness.

This project started in 2000 in a highly deregulated context and managed to find the right compromise between the expectations of naturalness and wholesomeness of the consumer and the peculiarities and needs of the Italian cosmetics industry such as the need for sufficiently high-performance and fragrant products or the traditional distrust of dermatologists towards natural products.

Unlike food products, there is no legislation in the cosmetics sector establishing what an organic and/or natural cosmetic product is. Certification becomes, therefore, a voluntary choice pursued by the most evolved and virtuous companies that feel the need to provide customers with greater guarantees, subjecting themselves to the controls of an independent and professional organization that guarantees their correct operation and the ecological qualities of the products.

The rules governing the functioning of the certification are public, transparent and equal for all manufacturers with the ICEA brand.

Here it is possible to check the list of certified products and relevant ingredients (INCI).

The products identified asEco Organic Cosmetics and Natural Cosmetics ICEA guarantee:

  • Formulations made up of ingredients of natural origin, selected on the basis of criteria of environmental sustainability and wholesomeness;
  • In the case of Eco Bio Cosmetics products, surfactants, functional principles and plant extracts from organic farming and certified according to the main international standards;
  • Mandatory tests on finished product to prevent side effects;
  • True labels and claims supported by reliable scientific tests or bibliography;
  • A system of independent control and certification with international accreditation, which makes the rules, lists of certified companies and products (including ingredients) publicly available and answers the questions asked by consumers.

How to certify

The certification process is divided into 4 main phases:

  1. Initial assessment of the products and production which includes, among other things, the assessment of the composition of the products for which certification is required, as well as the conformity of raw materials through the technical data sheets of all components. All organic ingredients must be certified by approved inspection and certification bodies. Microbiological preservation tests (challenge tests) and clinical skin tolerability tests (patch tests) are also required for all products.
  2. In situ inspection to verify that the products actually comply with the requirements of the product specification; the correct organisation and management of manufacturing processes and internal procedures that could compromise the conformity of the product itself; compliance with the relevant environmental criteria.
  3. Issue of the Certificate of Conformity based on the information and data collected as part of the assessment and verification process. The certificate contains the list of certified products and is distinguished in relation to the classification of ECO BIO COSMETISC and NATURAL COSMETICS products.
  4. Annual surveillance which includes regular inspections of production units, storage centres and product distribution centres to verify the maintenance of compliance conditions. ICEA also carries out samplings and products analysis both at the production plants and at the points of sale.

Documents and downloadable files

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