Organic Ecological Furniture

Organic Ecological Furniture

Eco-Bio Arredo ANAB-ICEA.

It certifies furniture for living, public and commercial interiors, outdoor furniture.

It guarantees products in the wood and furnishing sector, obtained by favouring the reduction of emissions and the use of resources while respecting the rights, health and safety of workers and end users.


How to certify

The Eco-Bio Arredo certification is granted according to ANAB – ICEA Specification. The certification enhances the value of products in the wood and furniture sectors where there is an increasing attention by operators and consumers to the issues of environmental protection.

In the meantime, it intends to:

  • Promote an improvement in the quality of wood and furniture products.
  • Highlight the characteristics of products, processes and technologies to reduce environmental impact at every stage of its life cycle.
  • Protect the end user by reducing all possible health risks and making the environmental information on ecological furniture and furnishings transparent.

Certifiable products

It is possible to certify furniture for interiors (for residential, public and commercial use), outdoor furniture and furnishing accessories, which comply with the criteria set out in the ANAB – ICEA Specification for the Eco-Bio Arredo Certification.

How to certify

The ANAB-ICEA certification of Eco-Bio Arredo is issued by ICEA at the end of a process that includes the three phases:

  1. Initial assessment of products and production process: this stage involves an assessment of the documentation to determine whether the product functionally responds to the declared use. The certification is mostly issued for timber from FSC or PEFC certified forests or plantations that do not contain substances dangerous to man and the environment; the timber is environmentally optimised throughout its life cycle.
  2. On-site inspection: this phase aims at ensuring the correct management of manufacturing processes and internal procedures that could compromise the conformity of the product with the requirements defined in the standard, as well as the verification of the management of the relevant environmental aspects.
  3. Issue of the Certificate of Conformity based on information and data collected as part of the evaluation and verification process


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