Green Building Products

Green Building Products

Materials for Green Building ANAB-ICEA.

It certifies building materials and products, construction systems.

It guarantees the construction materials obtained by giving priority to reducing emissions and resource use while respecting the environment, health and safety of workers and end users.


What it is certified

The Certification for Green Building Products, issued in agreement with Associazione Nazionale Architettura Bioecologica (National Association for Green Building Architecture) Standards aims at enhancing the value of construction products in a context in which there is increasing attention by operators and consumers to the issues of environmental protection.

At the same time it intends:

  • promoting improvements in the quality of construction products;
  • highlighting the characteristics of products, processes and technologies designed to reduce environmental impact at every stage of its life cycle;
  • safeguarding the end user by reducing all possible health risks and making environmental information on green building materials transparent.

Certifiable products

Construction Products identified in the product areas as under Annex IV of EU Regulation No. 305/2011 may be certified if complying with the criteria set out in the ANAB-ICEA General Standard and the Specific Standards for each product category.

How to certify

The certification process is divided into four main phases:

  • Initial assessment of products and production processes. At this stage, it is checked that the product complies with the declared use, is obtained mainly from natural raw materials and/or secondary materials, and does not release substances dangerous to human beings and the environment.
  • Product life cycle assessment. Applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, the environmental profile of the product is outlined, through which material and energy flows identified throughout the entire product life cycle are ordered, classified and combined into different categories of environmental impact, also called aggregated impact indicators.
  • On-site inspection, aimed at ascertaining the correct organisation and management of manufacturing processes and internal procedures that could compromise the conformity of the product with the requirements defined in the standard.
  • Issue of the Certificate of Conformity based on information and data collected as part of the evaluation and verification process.

Documents and downloadable files

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[button color=”green” size=”normal” alignment=”none” rel=”follow” openin=”newwindow” url=””]Information on the certification scheme[/button]


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