Incenses and natural home fragrance dispensers, certifies home and ambient fragrance dispensers (e.g. for cars), Essential Oils, Incenses.
It guarantees incense and ecological fragrance dispensers obtained with the use of natural substances or of natural origin, without flavourings, additives and other substances of chemical synthesis.
What it is certified
The most common fragrance dispensers and incenses on the market can be obtained with poor basic raw materials, synthetic aromatic oils, glues and other chemical additives of dubious toxicity.
The law does impose to declare the composition in the packaging.
Alternatively, the market offers products that have characteristics of naturalness and wholesomeness that are often unclear and undefined. Differently from what provided for agri-food products, national, European and international regulations do not provide for technical standards and a control system to protect consumers about the proper use of these terms in the advertising and presentation of such services.
There is the need and the opportunity to propose a voluntary certification system to compensate for this lack of legislation.
Natural fragrance dispensers and incenses are obtained by using only natural ingredients or ingredients of natural origin (mainly of plant origin), using exclusively physical and non-chemical production techniques and procedures.
Plant components should preferably come from organic farming or spontaneous harvesting (wild products).
The use of substances from organic farming can be enhanced and reported, indicating also the percentage incidence of organic production on the entire product composition.
How to certify
The certification process is divided into four main phases.
- Initial assessment of the products and production, which includes, among other things, the assessment of the composition of the products for which certification is required, as well as the conformity and natural origin of raw materials through the technical data sheets of all components. All organic ingredients must be certified by approved inspection and certification bodies.
- In situ inspection to verify that the products actually comply with the requirements of the product specification; the correct organisation and management of manufacturing processes and internal procedures that could compromise the conformity of the product itself; compliance with the relevant environmental criteria.
- Issue of the Certificate of Conformity based on the information and data collected as part of the assessment and verification process. The certificate contains the list of certified products and is distinguished in relation to the classification of NATURAL FRAGRANCE DISPENSERS AND NATURAL INCENSES.
- Annual surveillance which includes periodic inspections of production units, storage centres and product distribution centres to verify the maintenance of compliance conditions. ICEA also carries out samplings and products analysis both at the production plants and at distribution warehouses.
Documents and downloadable files
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