Bio Siegel (Germany) certifies agricultural, livestock products and processed products intended for human consumption.
Bio Siegel encourages the export of organic products to Germany. It is a very popular national trademark well- known by German consumers.
What to certify
Bio Siegel is the national logo, which distinguishes organic production in Germany, always in conjunction with the compulsory Community organic logo.
Operators marketing organic products in Germany, which comply, with the Community legislation in force may use the’ Bio Siegel’ logo on their products. Italian manufacturers certified by ICEA can also use this logo.
In the case of processed products, Bio Siegel logo can only be used for products containing at least 95% organic ingredients.
List of the companies using bio Segel logo
How to certify
The operator intending to use this logo must register either as a user, directly online (link), or in writing by filling in and sending the Notification Application Form to the “Bio Siegel” information centre ( by fax, post or e-mail.
Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, Bio-Siegel Information Service
Unit 521 – Legal Services, Divison 5
Organic Farming, EAFRD Payment Authorizations
Deichmanns Aue 29 53179 Bonn, Germany
Fax +49 (0)228 / 99 6845–3109
The use of the ‘Bio Siegel’ logo must comply with the guidelines issued by Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE).
Documents and downloadable files
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