Naturland (Germany)

Naturland certifies agricultural and zootechnical products to export and market products in Germany


Naturland is one of the leading organic associations in Germany.

Operators adhering to the Naturland brand are required to comply with more restrictive ecological standards than those required by European legislation (EC Reg. 834/07). The Naturland standards also include social responsibility requirements.

The Naturland brand, unlike the German national brand Bio-Siegel, is required in the context of particularly selective commercial circuits that prefer biological products that meet narrower and more selective criteria than those required by law.

Thanks to long-term relationships of collaboration and mutual trust, ICEA is one of the Italian control bodies authorized by Naturland to carry out the inspections useful for the purpose of issuing the certification and the license to use the brand.

The certification must be requested directly from Naturland which, after an initial pre-assessment carried out with its own auditors, will arrange for ICEA to carry out the inspection activity in the company.



Request for control and certification service.
The operator who intends to request the Naturland certification, must send the request directly to Naturland, which will, following a positive outcome of the pre-assessment, instruct ICEA to carry out the inspection. Following the assignment received, ICEA will proceed to issue the estimate for the execution of the inspection.

Inspection audit.
Following the approval of the estimate and the sending of the request for services by the operator, ICEA will assign the qualified personnel to carry out the Naturland inspection. Subsequently, ICEA sends the verification documentation to Naturland, for the purpose of reviewing and issuing the Certificate of Conformity.

Issue of the Certificate of Conformity.
Following the positive outcome of the evaluation procedure, Naturland issues the operator with the certificate of conformity.

Annual renewal.
The recognition must be renewed every year, following the same procedure indicated above.


Standard e criteri di certificazione