Cosmetics and Detergence

Cosmetics and Detergence

The ICEA trademark for cosmetics and detergent ECOBIOCOCOSMESI AND ECOBIODETERGENZA has obtained the international accreditation issued by IOAS (International Organic Accreditation Service), and it is equivalent to the most important European brands of organic cosmetics and detergence.

Together with partners such as EcoCert, BDIH, Soil Association, CosmeBio, ICEA has created the COSMOS brand, the first International Standard of Natural and Organic Cosmetics.

In addition, in collaboration with LAV (Lega Anti Vivisezione- Anti Vivisection Association), ICEA controls the companies that have chosen to use “cruelty free” raw materials not tested on animals after a certain date.

ICEA – with its trademarks – today controls and certifies 200 companies and about 4,000 products in the cosmetics and ecological and organic detergence sector.